Monthly Archives: December 2014

Assignment Reminder!

  • Compare the level of technological achievement including production of goods in TWO  of the civilizations below from 500-1000 C.E. Student choice: Middle East, South Asia, East Asia, Eastern Europe (CHOOSE TWO)

Class Example This is an example of a compare / contrast essay which we created together in class. Please read this example before your begin your assignment.

Rubric; This is how you will be graded on your assignment. Compare_ContrastCoverSheet

When you return after the holidays we will be having a mid-year assessment. This assessment will be similar to the AP exam that you will be taking, including multiple choice and free response (essay) questions.

You can use this PDF book to revise and prepare for that assessment. You need to prepare for Chapters 1 through 13 (this includes Feudalism).5 Steps pdf OPEN THIS