Monthly Archives: April 2015

Comparison Essay

Analyze similarities and differences in the effects of Imperialism in TWO of the following regions during the period 1750 – 1900.

In your thesis you must address 1 specific similarity and 1 specific difference. Example; Although Imperialism in both African and The Middle East did …….. Imperialism in the Middle East was…… whereas in Africa it was…….


  • Racism/ Social Darwinism; racist ideology used to justify the mistreatment of Africans.
  • Ethnic boundaries were not observed; rival groups put together; Berlin Conference and the Scramble for Africa
  • Conversions to Christianity; Missionaries influenced and converted Africans
  • King Leopold and the Belgium Congo; 4-8 million deaths in the Congo
  • Africa was used; forced to provide raw material and to purchase goods; fuel for Industrial Revolution; Africa was not industrialized itself.
  • Use of kings and group leaders for indirect rule; used to control the many native peoples

East Asia

  • Initially content with direct trade with China; China refused to open up further trade routes with nations like Great Britain. As a result; Opium Wars – China was forced to submit and open up ports; spheres of influence.
  • East Asia had established themselves as a strong influence, advanced culture but was not open to the outside world. Effects were different from Africa, provided products such as tea, cotton, silk and porcelain through trade. Great demand in Europe for these products.