Monthly Archives: October 2014

Homework Assignments

Please enjoy your week off school. Don’t forget to log in to getafive to continue working on those multiple choice questions. Work toward completing the following topics; Americas, Belief Systems and Trade Networks. I will be checking progress with you at school on Monday.

In addition, you have to read the short article given out class and answer the comprehension check questions on the spread of Buddhism and the fall of Han China. If you missed class I have kept copies of this and will assign it again after the holidays.

For those who missed Friday’s class please read Chapter 12 of the online book. Although it is a short chapter it is very important as it summarizes the unit. Also here is the link for the review game which covers multiple choice questions;

Week 9 – The Fall of Rome & The Silk Roads

This week we will review document based questions  on Monday, as well as going over the Prezi on Constantine which you will find here. We plan to complete a timed essay on TUESDAY (delayed from last week), review Silk Road Prezi below, and wrap up our unit on Ancient Civilizations. Keep up the hard work !!!

Summary of Constantine / Christianity LS_6_14_03

The Fall of Rome

Constantine Prezi / The Fall of Rome

Alexander the Great –  the defeat of the Persians

Alexander the Great –

Week Eight – Rome

After reviewing the rise and fall of Rome, and reading models of student essays from the college board we will be starting our TIMED essays with a Continuity and Change over time model. This essay will be written on THURSDAY in class. You will be able to choose between GREECE or ROME but you will not be allowed to use any material we have prepared, so please plan ahead and review all your notes before Thursday.

Here is the introduction to Rome in brief Prezi form;

Here is a short video of the main geography of Ancient Rome during the peak of Constantine’s rule;

Here are summary chapter notes for Bentley bentley5_ppt_ch10 bentley5_ppt_ch09 bentley5_ppt_ch11 (2)

I am providing the title ahead of time, to allow you to plan and discuss ideas before writing.

  • Examine how social/ political/ cultural events contributed to change and continuity in the cultures of the Mediterranean region during the periods we have studied (note; time periods and question have been changed to allow you to choose between Greece and Rome.)

Homework; Slavery in Ancient Greece and Rome. Your group will prepare a video, poster or speech (Max 5 minutes in length) outlining the following;

a) Where did slaves come from? and what were thee conditions like for slaves in each civilization ?
b) Outline laws governing slavery for each Civilization
c) Give examples of any key figures who objected to slavery (Philosophers, politicians, writers etc)


Homework; watch this video on Zorastrian Worship.

Week Seven- Ancient Greece


Welcome to week seven, and as it is MAP week this week and next week we will take a break from essay writing. Your main assignment this week *due Monday 13th October is to go onto (our revision site). As you have already logged in, now please take the preliminary assessment exam and review ALL  the main civilizations up to and including Ancient Greece.

I will be able to see your results online, and it will make for a great revision tool.

Note; DO NOT LEAVE THEM ALL TO THE LAST MINUTE – Plan your time so that you do a little every day!!!

This is what we will be covering this week in class, along with a review sheet on China, and revisiting document based questions.

Prezi One; Introduction

Prezi Two; Greece and the Larger World


Prezi Three; Newspaper (Peloponnesian War)

Alexander the Great Video

Prezi Four;  The Odyssey


Greece “song”

The Shang and the Zhou (Revision; easy slideshow)